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Messages - twilitestudios

i have a linux reseller account that was just migrated to cpanel  and NONE of the emails on ALL accounts (30 of them) can receive emails.

password being rejected by incoming mail server.

Log onto incoming mail server (POP3): Your e-mail server rejected your login. Verify your user name and password in your account properties. Under Tools, click E-mail accounts.  The server responded: -ERR Login failed.

i need this fixed asap as all my clients are freaking out and mad!
it is happening to all my accounts/domains on different computers and i have spent hours and hours following fixes etc...  ive tried the secure settings, resetting passwords, deleting email accoutns and recreating, nothing is working!

also...  my cpanel and whm for reseller account are not showing any of my domains or accounts.

Scripting / web forms being hijacked by spammers
April 20, 2006, 07:55:36 PM
Please Help!!!!

I have lots of accounts here at hostned and one of them was suspended due to spam bots hijacking my form or script or however it works.
I have tried about 5 different php scripts, jmail, and some other supposedly "secure" scripts...
When I change the form script, it helps for a little while and then BAM!  it happens again.

Can someone please get me a SECURE script for my web forms or help me in finding one?
I can't afford to have my client's accounts shut down...
I have linux accounts as well as windows!
