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Frontpage / FrontPage Server Extensions - ...
Last post by Dynaweb - June 12, 2024, 12:32:29 PM

FrontPage Server Extensions - Where Are They Now?

In the realm of web development, the late 1990s and early 2000s were like the wild west: uncharted, exciting, and full of quirky characters. Among these characters was a star that shone brightly for a time before gracefully exiting the stage: Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions. Once a household name for web designers, FrontPage Server Extensions are now the stuff of internet folklore. But like the stars of your favourite "Where Are They Now?" TV series, they have a story worth revisiting—complete with a few chuckles along the way.

The Meteoric Rise

FrontPage Server Extensions burst onto the scene in the mid-1990s, introduced by Microsoft alongside their web design software, Microsoft FrontPage. It was like the George Clooney of web tools: everyone wanted it. The goal was to make web development accessible to everyone, even those who thought HTML was a new brand of cereal. The extensions provided the necessary functionality to support the FrontPage editor, enabling features like hit counters, form handling, and page search capabilities—all the bells and whistles your Geocities page could ever dream of.

During its heyday, FrontPage Server Extensions were beloved by small business owners, hobbyists, and anyone looking to create and manage a website without delving into the dark arts of coding. It was a time when the internet was still in its formative years, and tools like FrontPage made it possible for countless individuals to stake their claim on the World Wide Web. Ah, the memories of glittery text and dancing baby GIFs!

The Inevitable Decline

As the internet matured (like a fine wine or, in some cases, a questionable cheese), newer technologies and development practices began to outpace the capabilities of FrontPage Server Extensions. The rise of content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal offered more robust and flexible solutions for website management. It was like going from a bicycle with training wheels to a sleek, high-speed motorcycle.

In 2006, Microsoft announced the discontinuation of FrontPage, replacing it with Microsoft Expression Web and SharePoint Designer. While these new tools offered more advanced features, they marked the end of the road for FrontPage Server Extensions. By 2013, Microsoft officially ended support for these extensions, leaving many to wonder: what happened to the once-ubiquitous tool?

Where Are They Now?

Today, FrontPage Server Extensions are a fond memory—a reminder of a simpler, and slightly glitterier, time in web development. However, their legacy lives on in various ways:

  • Educational Tools: In some educational settings, FrontPage and its server extensions are still used to teach the basics of web development. Their straightforward, visual approach provides a gentle introduction to website creation for beginners. Imagine explaining to kids today that we once used floppy disks—they'd probably think it was some kind of ancient relic.

  • Open Source Projects: A few open-source projects have emerged to replicate the functionality of FrontPage Server Extensions. These projects aim to provide a modern alternative for those who still prefer the simplicity and ease of use that FrontPage offered. It's like those fan-made sequels to your favourite 80s movies—heartwarming, but not quite the same.

  • Influence on Modern Tools: The user-friendly ethos of FrontPage has influenced many modern web development tools and platforms. Drag-and-drop website builders like Wix, Weebly, and Squarespace owe a nod to FrontPage for pioneering the concept of making web development accessible to non-developers. FrontPage walked so these tools could run.

FrontPage Server Extensions may have faded from the forefront of web development, but their impact on the industry is undeniable. They democratized website creation, enabling countless individuals to establish their online presence. As we look back on their journey, it's clear that while the technology may have changed, the spirit of innovation and accessibility that FrontPage embodied continues to shape the web development landscape today.

So, as we bid farewell and reminisce about the golden days of FrontPage Server Extensions, we appreciate their role in the evolution of the internet. They may no longer be the stars they once were, but their legacy endures, reminding us of a time when the web was a frontier waiting to be explored by anyone with a vision, a bit of software, and a penchant for glitter text.
Accounts General / How Do I Contact Support?
Last post by Dynaweb - June 11, 2024, 03:52:50 PM
How Do I Contact Support?

At HostNed, we understand the importance of prompt and efficient support. That's why we've made it easy for you to reach out to our expert support team whenever you need assistance.

To contact our support, simply log in to your HostNed Client Area at This powerful client portal provides a centralized location for managing your hosting services and accessing our support and billing systems.

Once logged in, follow these steps to open a new support ticket:

  • Click on the "Support" tab in the top navigation menu.
  • Select "Submit a Request" from the dropdown menu.
  • Choose the appropriate department for your issue (e.g., Billing, Technical Support, etc.).
  • Provide a descriptive subject and detailed explanation of your problem or query.
  • Attach any relevant files or screenshots that could help our team better understand and resolve your issue.
  • Click "Submit" to open your new support ticket.

Our dedicated support team monitors incoming tickets around the clock, ensuring prompt response times. You'll receive email notifications keeping you updated on the status of your ticket, including any responses or requests for additional information from our support staff.

At HostNed, we're committed to providing exceptional service and ensuring your hosting experience is smooth and hassle-free. We get you the answers straight away, so there is no needless back-and-forth. Support is not outsourced nor are you directed to AI chat bots. We are real help that is helpful.

Don't hesitate to reach out to our support team whenever you need assistance – we're here to help!
Articles / Choosing Between a 3rd-Party P...
Last post by Dynaweb - June 10, 2024, 01:36:38 PM
Choosing Between a Third-Party Payment Processor and a Merchant Account for Your Ecommerce Website

When setting up an ecommerce website, one of the most crucial decisions you'll make is how to accept payments from your customers. Two common options are using a third-party payment processor or setting up your own merchant account. Each choice has its own advantages and disadvantages that are important to consider.

Third-Party Payment Processors: Quick and Easy, but Higher Fees

Third-party payment processors like PayPal, Stripe, and Square offer a fast and convenient way to start accepting payments online. The setup process is simple and can often be completed within hours, with no lengthy underwriting or verification required. These services also handle payment security and fraud protection, so you don't have to worry about those aspects of running an ecommerce business.

However, third-party processors come with some drawbacks. Transaction fees are typically higher, usually around 2.7% or more per transaction. Accounts are also less stable, with a higher risk of sudden holds, freezes, or termination if suspicious activity is detected. You also have less control over the account and may face customer support issues if problems arise.

Merchant Accounts: Lower Fees and More Stability, but Longer Setup

Setting up your own merchant account takes more time and effort upfront. The verification and compliance process can take days or weeks to complete. Merchant accounts may also require longer contracts, sometimes up to 3 years, and have additional fees like monthly minimums.

However, merchant accounts offer several advantages that make them worth considering. Transaction fees are often lower than third-party processors. Accounts are more stable, with little risk of termination or fund holds. You also have more flexibility to negotiate pricing and terms that fit your specific business needs.

Examples of merchant account providers include Chase Merchant Services, Bank of America Merchant Services, and Authorize.Net.

Choosing the Right Option for Your Business

The best payment processing solution for your ecommerce website depends on your specific needs and growth plans. If you value quick setup, have low processing volume, and don't mind higher fees, a third-party payment processor may be the way to go. If you have higher volume, want lower fees, and prioritize long-term stability, a merchant account is likely the better choice.

Ultimately, both options can work well for ecommerce businesses. The key is to carefully evaluate your needs, compare pricing and terms from multiple providers, and choose the solution that aligns best with your goals and budget. With the right payment processing in place, you'll be well on your way to success in the world of online retail.

Key Pros and Cons

Third-Party Payment Processors
  • Easy and quick setup, often within hours
  • No monthly fees, annual fees, or long-term contracts
  • Ability to accept international payments with automatic currency conversion
  • Payment security and fraud protection handled by the processor
  • Fewer fees, no setup fees or monthly minimums

  • Higher transaction fees, typically around 2.7% or more per transaction
  • Less stable accounts with higher risk of sudden holds, freezes, or termination
  • Less control over the account and potential customer support issues
  • Strict limits on transaction size and processing volume

Merchant Accounts
  • More stable accounts with little risk of termination or fund holds
  • Lower transaction fees in many cases
  • More flexible and customized pricing based on your business needs
  • Higher processing volume limits
  • Payments go directly from customer to business account without third-party

  • Longer setup process, often taking days or weeks to complete verification
  • May require longer contracts, sometimes up to 3 years, and have more fees like monthly minimums
  • Merchant account providers set up individual accounts for each merchant, rather than aggregating funds

In summary, third-party payment processors are best for businesses that value quick setup, have low processing volume, and don't mind higher fees. Merchant accounts are better for businesses with higher volume, who want lower fees and more stability long-term. The right choice depends on your specific business needs and growth plans.

What do you use for your ecommerce website? Does it work well?
Articles / Boost Your SEO: Effective Stra...
Last post by Dynaweb - June 10, 2024, 09:16:18 AM
Backlinks are a crucial factor in search engine optimization (SEO), signaling to search engines like Google and Bing that your website is authoritative, relevant, and valuable. However, not all backlinks are created equal – high-quality backlinks from reputable and topically relevant websites carry more weight and can significantly improve your website's visibility and rankings in search results.

Here at HostNed, we understand the importance of a strong backlink profile, and we're here to share some effective strategies to help you acquire high-quality backlinks for your website. Here are some ideas:

1. Create Linkable Assets
Produce high-quality, in-depth, and valuable content that other websites will naturally want to link to, such as data-driven studies, comprehensive guides, infographics, or interactive content. Promote these assets to relevant publications and influencers in your niche.

2. Guest Blogging
Reach out to relevant and authoritative websites in your industry and pitch guest post ideas. If accepted, you can include contextual links back to your website within the guest post content.

3. Leverage Existing Partnerships
If you have existing business partners, suppliers, vendors, or distributors, ask them to link back to your website from their online resources, partner pages, or blog posts.

4. Broken Link Building
Find broken links on high-quality websites and notify the webmasters. Offer your relevant content as a replacement for the broken link, which can earn you a backlink if they update the link.

5. Become a Source for Journalists/Bloggers
Sign up for services like HARO (Help A Reporter Out) and respond to queries from journalists and bloggers seeking expert sources. If your input is featured, you can earn a backlink.

6. Replicate Competitors' Backlinks
Analyze your competitors' backlink profiles and identify high-quality links that you could potentially acquire by replicating their strategies or reaching out to the same linking websites.

7. Publish Original Research
Conduct original research, surveys, case studies, or data analysis on topics relevant to your industry. Other websites are likely to link to your research as a credible source.

8. Leverage News and Trends
Create content around current news, events, or trending topics in your niche. Media outlets and other websites may link to your content when covering related stories.

9. Build Business Profiles
Create profiles for your business on reputable online directories and citation sources, which can provide backlinks to your website.

10. Infographics and Visual Content
Design visually appealing and informative infographics or other visual content assets that others may want to embed or link to from their websites.

The key is to focus on creating high-quality, valuable content for visitors and building relationships with relevant websites and influencers in your industry. Avoid any unethical or spammy link-building tactics, as these can potentially harm your search rankings.

Additionally, if you are not already using Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools, you may want to get started with those services. They are free to use and not only can they help monitor website backlinks, but they can help manage other relevant items like search performance, sitemaps, keyword clicks, and more.

What strategies are you using to acquire quality backlinks? What works for you? Leave a comment and let us know.
Domain Names and DNS / Domain Names FAQ
Last post by Dynaweb - June 05, 2024, 01:43:53 PM
Q: How do I register a new domain name with HostNed?
A: Registering a new domain name with HostNed is simple. Visit our Domain Names page, enter your desired domain name in the search bar to check its availability, and follow the prompts to complete the registration process.

Q: Can I transfer my existing domain to HostNed?
A: Yes, you can transfer your existing domain to HostNed. To initiate the transfer, you will need to unlock your domain at your current registrar and obtain an authorization code. Then, follow the transfer instructions provided on our Domain Names page.

Q: How long does it take to transfer a domain to HostNed?
A: Domain transfers typically take between 5-7 days to complete. The exact time may vary depending on your current registrar and the type of domain being transferred.

Q: What is the difference between a domain name and web hosting?
A: A domain name is the address of your website (e.g.,, while web hosting is the service that stores your website's files and makes them accessible on the internet. You need both a domain name and web hosting to have a fully functional website.

Q: Can I manage multiple domains with my HostNed account?
A: Yes, you can manage multiple domains from your HostNed account. Our control panel makes it easy to add, manage, and configure multiple domain names.

Q: Do you offer privacy protection for domain registrations?
A: Yes, HostNed offers domain privacy protection. This service hides your personal information from the public WHOIS database, helping to protect your privacy and reduce spam.

Q: What should I do if my desired domain name is already taken?
A: If your desired domain name is already taken, try different variations or consider using a different domain extension (e.g., .net, .org). Our search tool will also suggest alternative domain names that are available.

Q: Can I set up subdomains with my HostNed account?
A: Yes, you can easily set up subdomains (e.g., through the HostNed server control panel (cPanel or Plesk). Subdomains are a great way to organize and manage different sections of your website.

Q: How do I renew my domain name?
A: You can renew your domain name through the myHostNed Account panel. We will send you reminders before your domain expires, and you can choose to renew it manually or set up automatic renewal to ensure your domain always stays active.

Q: What happens if my domain name expires?
A: If your domain name expires, it will go through a grace period during which you can still renew it. If it is not renewed during this period, it may enter a redemption period, and additional fees may apply to recover it. Eventually, the domain will become available for registration by others if it is not renewed.

Q: Do I need to transfer my domain name to HostNed to use it with HostNed hosting?
A: No, you do not need to transfer your domain name to HostNed to use it with our hosting services. You can simply update the domain's nameservers to point to HostNed. This way, you can keep your domain registered with your current registrar while still taking advantage of HostNed's high-quality hosting services. Instructions for updating nameservers are available through this knowledgebase article or from our support team.
Announcements / Announcing PHP 8.2 For Shared ...
Last post by Dynaweb - May 29, 2024, 01:27:51 PM
We are thrilled to announce the availability of PHP 8.2 on our shared web hosting platform. We strive to provide our customers with the latest and most advanced technologies to ensure their websites and applications run smoothly and efficiently.

PHP 8.2 is the newest major release of the popular server-side scripting language, bringing a wealth of improvements and new features that will revolutionize the way you develop web applications.
  • ### Improved Performance and Efficiency
One of the most significant enhancements in PHP 8.2 is its improved performance and efficiency. With the introduction of the new JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler, PHP 8.2 delivers up to 30% faster execution times compared to previous versions. This means your web applications will load faster, providing a better user experience for your visitors.
  • ### Enhanced Security and Stability
Security is a top priority for any web application, and PHP 8.2 delivers on that front. This new version includes several security enhancements, such as improved type safety, stricter error handling, and better protection against common vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
  • ### New Features and Improvements
PHP 8.2 introduces a range of new features and improvements that will streamline your development process and make your code more maintainable and scalable. Some of the notable additions include:
- Union Types: This feature allows you to define a variable that can hold values of multiple types, making your code more expressive and easier to read.
- Readonly Properties: You can now mark class properties as read-only, preventing accidental modifications and improving code safety.
- Fibers: A new lightweight concurrency model that enables better parallelism and asynchronous programming.
- Improved Type Inference: PHP 8.2 has enhanced type inference capabilities, reducing the need for explicit type declarations and making your code more concise.
  • ### Stay Ahead of the Curve
Keeping your PHP version up-to-date is crucial for ensuring the security, performance, and stability of your web applications. By upgrading to PHP 8.2, you'll benefit from the latest features, improvements, and security patches, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve and provide your users with the best possible experience.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to leverage the power of PHP 8.2. Contact our support team today, and we'll guide you through the upgrade process, ensuring a seamless transition to the latest version of PHP.


Upgrading PHP using cPanel's MultiPHP Manager:
1. Log in to WHM (Web Host Manager) as the root user.
2. In the left sidebar, go to Software > MultiPHP Manager.
3. On the right panel, you'll see a list of websites hosted on the server.
4. Select the website you want to upgrade PHP for.
5. From the "PHP Version" dropdown, choose the desired PHP version you want to upgrade to.
6. Click "Apply" to save the changes.

The PHP version for that specific domain will now be upgraded.

Upgrading PHP using Plesk:
1. Log in to your Plesk control panel.
2. Go to Tools & Settings > Updates (under Plesk).
3. On the "Install and Update" page, click "Add/Remove Components".
4. Expand the "Web hosting > PHP interpreter versions" section (for Linux) or "Plesk hosting features" section (for Windows).
5. Select the PHP version you want to install and click "Continue".
6. Once installed, you can set the new PHP version as the default for your domains by going to Websites & Domains > Hosting Settings and selecting the desired PHP version from the dropdown.

Both cPanel's MultiPHP Manager and Plesk allow you to upgrade to the latest PHP versions on a per-domain basis, ensuring compatibility with your existing websites while taking advantage of the latest performance and security improvements in newer PHP releases.


Announcements / cPanel System Beefed Up And Up...
Last post by Dynaweb - June 05, 2024, 12:46:19 PM
We're thrilled to share some fantastic news with you! Our cPanel Shared Hosting system has undergone a recent upgrade, bringing you enhanced performance and speed like never before. We've supercharged your web hosting accounts with upgraded processors and NVMe drives, and we can't wait for you to experience the difference.

Here's what you can expect from these upgrades:
  • Faster Loading Times: With our new AMD EPYC™ processors and NVMe SSDs, your websites will load lightning-fast. Whether you're running a personal blog, an online store, or a business website, your pages will load smoother and quicker than ever before.
  • Improved Memory Performance: Our upgraded memory performance means smoother operation for in-memory databases and server-side caches. This translates to a snappier experience for your visitors and better overall performance for your website.
  • Reduced Latency: NVMe SSDs are designed for speed, delivering significantly lower latency compared to regular SSDs. This means faster response times for your website, especially if you're handling a large number of transactions or database queries.

We understand the importance of a fast and reliable website, which is why we're always striving to provide you with the best possible hosting experience. These upgrades represent our commitment to ensuring that your websites perform at their very best, helping you engage with your audience more effectively and grow your online presence with confidence.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the improved performance of your HostNed web hosting accounts! If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is here to help.

Thank you for choosing HostNed for your web hosting needs. Here's to even better performance and success for your websites!

Warm regards,
HostNed Team
In 2024, Wordfence continues to be a solid leader in Wordpress security. Their WAF structure remains second-to-none, however, some users are comfortable using alternatives to Wordfence. Here are a few options to consider:

Yes, there are several other popular WordPress security plugins besides Wordfence that are worth considering:

Sucuri Security

Sucuri is a well-known security company that offers a comprehensive WordPress security plugin. Its key features include:

- Web Application Firewall (WAF) to block malicious traffic
- Malware scanning and removal
- Blacklist monitoring to prevent your site from being blacklisted
- Post-hack security actions like password resets and database repairs

The Sucuri plugin has both a free and premium version.

All In One WP Security & Firewall

This is one of the most popular free WordPress security plugins with over 1 million active installations. It provides:

- Basic firewall rules to block common threats
- Brute force attack protection
- User account security features like 2FA

However, its WAF capabilities are generally considered less robust than Wordfence or Sucuri's premium offerings.

iThemes Security (Better WP Security)

Formerly called Better WP Security, this plugin from iThemes offers a suite of security tools like:

- One-click hardening to tighten WordPress security
- Malware scanning
- Enforcing strong passwords
- Security keys/salts to protect against brute force attacks

NinjaFirewall (BulletProof Security)

NinjaFirewall, previously known as BulletProof Security, is another free plugin that aims to harden WordPress security with features like:

- Web Application Firewall
- Malware scanning
- Login security
- Database backup

- - -
While these plugins offer good security features, most experts still consider Wordfence to have one of the best free WAF solutions for WordPress. Combining it with other hardening best practices can significantly improve your site's security posture.

All of the HostNed Shared Hosting accounts fully support Wordpress and have a one-click installer, along with a "Wordpress Manager" in the hosting control panel that helps automate things like updates, backups, security advice, and much more.