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Messages - Afterburn

Quote from: sclemens on December 23, 2008, 08:00:14 AM
Hi - thanks for your help. I sure hope you are right and that it will just take a bit more time to move over.  the website is and it is still not showing up for me.  So I sure hope so.

So I did everything correctly then did I?  I set up a package and account for the website here at hostned - then I changed the name servers over and waited 48 hours - then I published the website again.  But now I can't find the files on my pc - the files are gone from there and I can't figure out why - those files should always be there as you say - so I dont know what I did wrong - the website was creted by someone else so maybe it is just a sign that I need to redo the website -LOL - looks like I might have to regardless.  But I have a bunch of sites to move so now it makes me nervous to try moving any of the others and I want to move them all a.s.a.p. since I will save so much money here at hostned.

Your help is very much appreciated.  At least I dont feel alone any more.  LOL -thanks every one


As far as your site,, I see the domain and all, but you have no files uploaded. Did you have alot of pages or was it mostly a forum type site? Either way, I think a redo of your website is good to start off clean with a brand new host. If you need any help, go ahead and ask away.
Yes I would wait a bit longer, REGISTER.COM takes usually about 3-4 days to reach California when they usually update the nameservers in the EAST within hours. So just give it some times and you'll have your site running again!
Ooohh, well again, if I had money I would definitely buy some service from you, but I have to stick to these little free hosting sites xD.
Introductions / Re: Hello, Im back again!
December 09, 2008, 05:04:34 PM
Definitely I will post up the services. As you can see, I have truly grown in my ability to design several different items :)

  • Banner Design
  • Logo Creations
  • Script Installations
  • CuteNews Designs
  • Website Template/Layout Design
  • Misc. Graphics
  • [Forums] Team Avatars
  • [Forums] Team Signatures

You can reach me though my personal email: afterburn [at]
;D Well I was bored last night and I decided to work on something, here it is!

Let me know how it looks!

PhotoBucket for AfterburnX
Introductions / Hello, Im back again!
December 07, 2008, 10:22:13 PM
Hello Everyone,

I was hosted by Hostned a few years ago, and I loved the service. Never had a reason to leave them. Too bad my house burned down and I wasn't able to stay online after that. I used to work for Dan for a while as well, anyways, I'll stick around to see if anyone needs my help. My skills have grown so much since last time I was here, anyways, see you around!

Advertising Boards / Web Design and Template Editing
March 08, 2006, 11:02:07 PM
Hello there fellow HostNed Hostees,
I afterburn come forth to you asking any of you if you would like to hire me to design you a one of a kind layout for your website using the not notch web design editing tools (Photoshop, Fireworks 8, Dreamweaver, Frontpage). I myself have a talent and that is to make simple things seem great after some nice coding and designing. If you want any preview just look below :P.

All fonts and logos from other companies (I.E, Paypal and Final Fantasy) have been designed by me. :P
Critique My Site / Final Fantasy Incorporated
March 08, 2006, 10:55:12 PM
Author: Afterburn
Version: 2.0
My site is Final Fantasy Inc., a fan based website dedicated to the Final Fantasy and Legend of Zelda Games. I have put alot of effort on this website and I have alot more to do, I have yet to release my main page, but it will soon be operational.

Oh I see, well last week I had about $0.45 in there and I received $0.01 from the Money Funds :P. So good luck to those with tons of money in there.
Critique My Site / Re:
March 08, 2006, 07:15:51 PM
Simple design yet very affective and easy to navigate. Great job, keep the great work going, if you need a design feel free to ask me and we can work out some negotiations.
Wait, after all the fancy words and stuff what does this mean?
General Hosting / Re: What FTP Program Do You Use?
February 22, 2006, 06:31:49 PM
SmartFTP. Free and very fast. What else can i ask for? :P