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Windows Vista

Started by McGyver45, October 27, 2007, 09:35:33 AM

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I was wondering if anyone is using the new Vista and what are your thoughts?  I am still using an XP box because I do not have the time to learn a new OS...but with the Vista I feel it's time to change.  Microsoft has gotten too invasive and overbearing for my taste.  I am considering a Linux box.  I use only Linux hosting for my domains, so it seems a natural progression to change my desktop.

If anyone out there is a Linux fan and uses a Linux desktop box, would you please point me in the direction of a few resources/recommendations so I begin the task of learning what I will need as far as hardware and software.

Thanks for your help.



I have not used Vista yet.  I really do not see any reason to as og yet.  If I did, I would have to get all new hardware.  That is a lot of cost for seemingly little benifit.

The OS's I currently use are Windlws XP and Simply Mepis Linux 6.5 and am pretty satisfied with those two.  If you want to learn more about Linux, check out our partner board Linux Boards.  There is a lot of info there and friendly members.


Thank you for your opinions.  I had not thought of that (hardware upgrades) just to run Vista.  I realize in the future most software will be geared toward Vista, so I am forward looking.

Currently I have a Dell Dimension E310 with a P4, 1GB RAM, an Intel 82915G/GV/910GL Video and a 180GB SATA HD.  This is the most problem free box I have worked with as far as hardware.  I rarely reboot because I don't need to.  My old XP box I had to reboot 2x a day...yikes!!  Just old hardware : )

I will checkout the Linix forums.  Thanks again!
