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CP2 Linux Server Upgrade

Started by Dynaweb, February 08, 2010, 03:06:13 PM

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Server CP2 Upgrade Notice:

On Monday night (8PM - 11PM) we will be performing an upgrade on the web server CP2.  We will be installing Latest versions of software including Apache, PHP, MySQL and others.  This will ensure the latest, most secure server environment possible.

During this period we discourage any web site updates.  You may experience intermittent site inactivity during this time but nothing major.

Additionally we will be assigning a different main IP address to the server.  The new IP will be  Be advised that if you have any web scripts that reference the server IP address or any DNS services that make such reference, you will need to update those to reflect the new IP so they may continue to function properly.  If you do not know what these things are then you probably do not need to do anything.

We anticipate all scripting paths to remain the same (so you need take no action), however, if you experience any trouble with your site (if it stops working or if you encounter errors) after midnight (EST), please post questions to the Community Forums here in reply.  This will let others see the information and common Q&A for quickest answers.

Tech Support


Upgrade time extended to 3am.  Thanks.


Upgrade is complete.  One thing we noticed...  if you are using .htaccess file to direct mod_security settings, those will  now have to be wrapped in a tag as is now required by Apache 2.3

Here was the old way:

SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off

Will now have to look like this:

<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off


It is a very good idea to help install programs for Apache, PHP, MySQL and others


I think it is a useful information. And good for those who want to know.