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The Enduring Popularity of WordPress: A Closer Look

Started by Dynaweb, May 07, 2024, 11:11:52 AM

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WordPress continues to be the leading content management system (CMS) in the digital landscape, powering a staggering 43.1% of all websites. This open-source platform has come a long way since its inception in 2003, evolving from a simple blogging tool to a robust CMS that's capable of creating any type of website.

WordPress by the Numbers

The statistics surrounding WordPress are nothing short of impressive:
- Over 455 million websites use WordPress globally.
- It holds a 64.1% share of the CMS market, making its market share ten times larger than the next closest CMS.
- WordPress sites receive over 20 billion page views each month.
- Users publish approximately 41.7 million new posts and 70 million new comments each month.
- The platform is also a polyglot, available in more than 200 languages.

These numbers highlight the platform's widespread adoption and the trust that millions of users place in WordPress for their web presence.

Why WordPress Reigns Supreme

There are several reasons why WordPress has maintained its position as the go-to choice for web designers and developers:

Ease of Use

WordPress is renowned for its user-friendly interface, which is intuitive enough for beginners yet powerful enough for seasoned developers. The Gutenberg editor, with its 'block' approach to content, makes site building and content management accessible to all.


With over 58,250 plugins available, WordPress allows users to extend the functionality of their sites in almost limitless ways. From SEO to social media integration, e-commerce solutions, and beyond, there's a plugin for nearly every need.

Community and Support

The WordPress community is one of the largest and most active in the tech world, with 1,074 WordCamps held so far and a vast number of online resources, forums, and groups dedicated to WordPress development and troubleshooting.

Regular Updates

WordPress is continuously updated with new features, bug fixes, and security enhancements, ensuring that websites remain secure and on the cutting edge of web technology.

HostNed's One-Click WordPress Installation

For those looking to start a WordPress site, HostNed makes it incredibly easy. All of HostNed's shared hosting accounts include a one-click install option for WordPress, available through both cPanel and Plesk control panels. This feature simplifies the process of setting up WordPress, allowing users to launch their website quickly and without the need for technical expertise.

Whether you're a blogger, a small business owner, or managing a large e-commerce site, WordPress's flexibility, combined with HostNed's hosting solutions, provides a powerful and accessible platform for creating a professional online presence.

All-in-all WordPress's extensive features, ease of use, and the strong community have cemented its status as the premier choice for web development. With HostNed's support, launching a WordPress site is more straightforward than ever, making it an ideal solution for users of all skill levels.