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Cpanel Servers Upgraded, No more php_flag or register_globals

Started by Dynaweb, February 18, 2013, 02:23:58 PM

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As part of our most recent server upgrades, our Cpanel servers (CP2 and CP3) have changed from DSO to FastGGI.  This brings us faster page loading times and more security.

Additionally the servers now have much better support for Wordpress users.

This change also renders certain .htaccess directives invalid now, they no longer support php_flag and php_value commands.  In fact, including these commands now will render an error 500 and the site will not load properly.  If you have this problem, go in to your .htaccess file and check for lines that contain these directives and if present, comment them out or remove them. 

Register_globals is now fully off.  PHP has been phasing out the register_globals function over the past few years and to stay up to speed, HostNed has now fully dropped support for this.

If you require assistance or have any questions, just open a support ticket and we will happilly assist you  :)

Happy Webmastering!